An artist’s paradise:

The Waterburg Chapel

Retreat to the country in this beautifully restored 19th c. Greek Revival church located in the quaint hamlet of Waterburg, a 5-minute drive from the Village of Trumansburg and a 12-minute drive to Ithaca in the heart of Finger Lakes wine country.

An ideal space to think, write, relax and get away from it all - the perfect property for those wanting to write, play music, create art, or to enjoy peace and tranquility in a pastoral country setting.

historical background

The chapel was built ca. 1860 as a Methodist Episcopal church, and was later given to a local branch of the AME (African Methodist Episcopal) during a time when the area was a conduit for the Underground Railroad. As the story goes, the space was also used for square dances and community spaghetti dinners. A local farmer eventually bought the property and used the building to store grain in as it increasingly fell into disrepair. According to the farmer, there had been 7 different (unsuccessful) attempts to purchase the site from him and restore the buildings - the church and 8-bay buggy barn -including one or two attempts that ended in divorce as a result. The farmer finally agreed to let Paul Chambers have the space, as Paul convinced him that he could save the buildings. The rest, as they say, is history.

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AirBnB: Artist’s Paradise Waterburg Chapel Renovated Wine Country Greek Revival Church


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